Legislative Advocacy

Advocating for Women and Girls

She Leads Justice protects and promotes the rights of women and girls* by identifying and articulating the challenges they face and elevating their interests and voices through public policy and advocacy.

*Our work supports women and girls who identify as cisgender, transgender, and non-binary as well as people of all marginalized gender identities systemically and historically oppressed by those in power.

She Leads Justice’s Legal Education Program helps us to understand the significant needs of women and girls throughout the state. To achieve better opportunities for women, She Leads Justice leads policy coalitions, offers public testimony, and collaborates with community partners.

She Leads Justice fights gender discrimination and advances the rights, opportunities and status of women and girls, with a focus on:

  • Economic Security and Success
  • Access to Justice
  • Workplace and Education Equity
  • Freedom from Violence and Harassment
  • Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

Find our most recent agendas, toolkits and reports here:

As Chair of the Campaign for Paid Family Leave, She Leads Justice monitors the implementation of paid family and medical leave to ensure the program is transparent, user-friendly, and prioritizes the most underserved Connecticut residents.